Musgos is an instrumental band that explores landscapes of experimental post-prog-rock/art-punk-jazz. However, more than that, it is truly hard to define and place them within a musical genre. It´s one of those singular bands where you recognize their sound as soon as you hear them and yet it's a hard task to put them in a box.
The musical landscapes that they present relate to freedom through sound, the metaphysical experience of creating something singularly Unique and raw is transmited from their method of working songs that relate with personal landscapes. The fundamental purpose is to make original music, where the “dissonant and arrhythmic rhythms are the key to our way of expressing our selves”. For them, Music is a need as vital as breathing, taking in reality and exhale sensitivity through sound, normally relating themes drawn from nature and personal experiences.
The duo ensemble of bass and drums is often accompanied by original Super8 projected visuals, delivering rhythmic, structurally driven music that complemente the footage.
The visuals are an element which makes each of our shows a singularly poetic experience, as each one comes from our main work with analogue formats.
This project started twelve years ago in Portugal with Roberto Afonso on guitar, Miguel Sampaio on drums, Tiago Margaca, on bass. A few years before this formation, the bass guitar started the compositions that lead to the begining of Musgos - typically an unusual instrument to undertake this task, as the bass is mostly seen as a complementary addition to the guitar or other instruments. Be it by chance or destiny, these two wonderful musicians came and put in the hard work that my compositions required. Three years after recording and having a few gigs in Portugal I decided to move to Berlin to learn how to develop super8 film. While I was there I had the good fortune of having a great guitar player and a true friend, Roberto, willing to come with me on this musical adventure.
We tested a few drummers and finally met Erickson Gonzalez and after two years playing around in Berlin we recorded a five-track-demo.
A new guitar player named Phil Loof joined the band after Roberto took his leave and in this new formation we worked together for three years, recorded an E.P., shot a video clip in super-8 film format and performed mainly in Berlin and Hamburg.
In the fall of 2014 Phil decided to concentrate on his own project and we parted ways. Damian Sardo took over on the guitar as we played through Berlin, Hamburg and Dresden, playing in two of the biggest clubs in Berlins (Lido and SO36) and recording a seven track demo. In 2016 we had the amazing opportunity to record in one of Berlin's best studios (Studio K61) all thanks to Mario Engelten, who produced this incredible album that took 3 year to be recorded, mixed and Mastered.
In this incredible long haul production the participation of 8 different drummers , two guitars, one saxophone and a vibraphone can be found.
During this long process we continued to play in and around Berlin, Hamburg and Dresden, as well as in Italy, in Udine and Viennese. A little Tour was also made possible thanks to good friends from Duas Semi Colcheias Invertidas and their magnificent Noisy Associacao terapeutica do Ruido.
At the moment the band is composed by a duo of Bass and Drums, where the original drummer Miguel Sampaio after 9 years, join's once again Musgos.
In the end, what makes this music so refreshing is the way in which sound is used as a painter uses the brush in a landscape. An abstract feeling emerges from it, where the audience imagines, gathering their own interpretation.